Thursday, 27 September 2012

Last fews days at RBHT!!

Already had to say my goodbyes to all my friends and colleagues at Harefield. Two more days left at Brompton - can't believe it! Leaving do this evening, which I'm looking forward to and will be a great way to say Au Revoir.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Leaving do!

Had a great leaving celebration in Jewel - thanks to Jackie, Lisa, Julie, Helen, Janett, Shona, Ken, Tom, Claire and Hayley for making it a night to remember. I am so lucky to have such fantastic friends!
A few tears were shed though, its hitting me that there will be no more nights out like this for 15 months and just how much I'm going to miss all my friends. 

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Well its exactly three weeks today that I will be getting on the plane to take me to Nigeria! Of course that assumes I get my visa.....

When I made my decision to apply to VSO everything seemed to take forever and the sale of my house seemed to drag on for months. There was so much to sort out and hopes going up and then being dashed. But once I accepted the role with Girls Power Initiative in Calabar things have just fallen into place. I guess I just have to believe that was where I was intended to go and the other possible placements were just tests of how much I wanted to volunteer in Africa! I'm not sure why yet, but I am supposed to be in Calabar and working with GPI.

I can't believe just how quickly the last few months have flown by though, I seemed to have 3 months not that long ago! Its been an amazing summer and its made my appreciate what wonderful family and friends I have. And how fabulous London is too! I'm sad about leaving and have so much to miss, but the pull of Africa and the desire to work for such an amazing organisation like GPI who are trying to empower young girls - well its just too much! I'm so excited but also slightly terrified too!!

Tonight is the second of my leaving do's! I've already said a few goodbyes and shed some tears. I expect some more tears tonight and lots of cocktails!
Will post about my leaving do's, including photos of the amazing people who have made my summer one of the very best ever.