Thursday, 27 December 2012

Calabar Carnival!!!!!!!!

So the day finally arrived! Since I arrived in Nigeria everyone had been commending me on my arrival time – I was here “in time for carnival!!” Off we set again to Mary Slessor, plan had been to leave early, but of course the carnival procession left 2 hours late, so we had a nice morning chilling at the house. Thanks to the TV channel we were interviewed by yesterday, we could follow the carnival’s progress on our next door neighbour’s television! So around 1pm we headed back to the same judging area, only this time the crowds were huge! Thanks to hanging out with the press yesterday and Leanne’s impressive camera and note-taking skills, we were allowed to sit on the curb between the two road lanes – but unfortunately we quickly became surrounded and crowd control set in with their whips and sticks (I’m not kidding) to control the crowd. So we were then moved into the press area, away from the crazy crowd and had a great view, accompanied by a very numb bottom from sitting on tarmac! But this was all forgotten when the carnival commenced – the five bands in the carnival came parading by in their spectacular costumes and amazing dance routines! First was Passion 4, who were last year’s winners and my favourite – their costumes were definitely the best! Then came Freedom Band, followed by Masta Blasta, Seagull Band, and finally Bayside Band. It was a great event, I’m full of admiration of those in the carnival as they go along a 12 kilometer route in the heat in those costumes and high heels! Should I find myself in Calabar next Christmas then I might be tempted to join one of the bands and be part of the carnival! We rounded up the evening with a lovely Lebanese meal at Freddys before retiring exhausted to bed! 

My favourite outfit of the day!

Calabar's attractive women!

Masta Blasta - the Carnival winners!


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